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Dane Parker PhD

Principal Investigator

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Jisun Kim PhD
Elina Idiiatullina, PhD

Postdoctoral scientist

Postdoctoral scientist

We are funded through the NIH, NJCCR and NJHF.



We are always looking for excellent graduate students and postdoctoral scientists!

We are also part of the Center for Immunity and Inflammation

Previous members

Matthew Linz, MD-research assistant, Surgery Resident RWJMS

Adeline Peignier-PhD student-Scientist 3 Genentech

Gyu Lee Kim-Postdoctoral scientist-Senior Researcher at Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency

Rita Vought-summer student-NJMS medical student

Ruchi Biswas-summer student-NJMS medical student

Lavoisier Akoolo-Postdoctoral scientist-UVA research manager

Silvia Pires-Postdoctoral scientist-Cornell University Instructor

Neil Shah-MD student-Internal Medicine Resident Cooper Medical University

Alison Gu-masters student-Ophthalmic assistant Mayo Clinic

Diana Perpignan-masters student-Forensic toxicology technician Labcorp

Rebecca Francis-PhD rotation student

Pooja Kayala-PhD rotation student

Ankita Prakash-PhD rotation student

Krupa Chaven-PhD rotation student

John Cho-PhD rotation student

Siddhi Prawr-PhD rotation student

Aisha Mohammed-PhD rotation student-Scientist Novartis

Pamela Barnett-PhD rotation student

Hannah Federman-PhD rotation student-Postdoctoral Scientist Weil Cornell

Sarah Lundel-MD/PhD rotation student

Shivani Patel-MD student Rutgers Medical School-Internal Medicine Resident NJMS

Salomon Vainstein-Undergraduate assistant-Postdoctoral fellow CHOP

Edwine Coulanges-Undergraduate research assistant-MD student Georgia Medical College

Alba Avoricani-Undergraduate assistant-Internal Medicine Resident Columbia Medical

Rafia Rifa-Summer student-Math Teacher

Rudy Jacquet-Technician-Associate Scientist/Postdoc, Merck

Adeline's PhD going away dinner


Lab 2022

Lab 2021


Lab 2020


Lab 2019

Lab 2018

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